We Make Plans. The Universe Laughs.

Cancelled. My husband was waiting for the race to begin, the annual Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, launching from Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, Maryland. Conditions looked highly favorable for the 4.4 mile swim. He had his wetsuit, his Gatorade, bananas, and goop. His face coated with sunblock, this year he’d purchased new polarized goggles.Continue reading “We Make Plans. The Universe Laughs.”

Sports and Exercise the best cure for Stress

I was petrified, the first time I went downhill skiing. But it was great, because I realized after congratulating myself for making it down the mountain still standing, that I felt completely refreshed. While one could chalk this up to adrenalin, I attribute this to something else. Challenging myself to learn an unfamiliar sport, tookContinue reading “Sports and Exercise the best cure for Stress”