We Make Plans. The Universe Laughs.

Cancelled. My husband was waiting for the race to begin, the annual Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, launching from Sandy Point State Park in Annapolis, Maryland. Conditions looked highly favorable for the 4.4 mile swim. He had his wetsuit, his Gatorade, bananas, and goop. His face coated with sunblock, this year he’d purchased new polarized goggles.Continue reading “We Make Plans. The Universe Laughs.”

Your Book is About to Be Published. Now What?

I have a book coming out in three months and if I do not promote it, no one else will. Even if I were published by one of the top large three mega giant publishers, writers are expected to either hire a publicist or be their own publicist. As someone who has helped nonprofits with their marketing, I know what to do, the difficulty is in the execution.

Digital or Print- Which is Better? Navigating the Precarious Path to Publication.

I love beautiful books, their weight and the feel of good paper.  I also love beautiful websites that make the most of technology by using sound, illustration, and movement to enhance their presentation.

Where to Submit When You’re Trying to get Published

Chance or Calculation? I’ve been away from my desk a few days. This means I’m behind on my weekly challenge to myself to submit a few pieces of writing—stories, poetry, and essays– to publications that might publish them. Writers reading this know that uncomfortable feeling of wanting your work to get read, but the reluctanceContinue reading “Where to Submit When You’re Trying to get Published”

Memoir vs. Total Recall

It is the writer’s job to decide, what to retain and what to discard from that final draft. Good writing takes time.

Bestselling Doesn’t Mean Best

Tis the season for gift giving. This means many of us are racking our brains trying to find just that right gift for someone we care about. My definition for the perfect gift is something the recipient will definitely enjoy and perhaps not buy for themselves. During my adult life my favorite gift has usuallyContinue reading “Bestselling Doesn’t Mean Best”

Writer’s Notes on “The Horseback Riding Accident” Published in Spry Literary Journal

The subject matter wasn’t easy.

Writer Scams & Publishing Pipedreams: Balancing Opportunity Vs. Exploitation

Did you know, or maybe you did know, how little income authors make from their books?

The Biggest Writing Competition is About to Begin

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an annual event starting on November 1st, challenging writers to create a 50,000-word manuscript in thirty days. This free endeavor, bootstrapped by Chris Baty in 1999, aims to foster creativity through daily writing, without self-censorship. Participants, competing against themselves, are provided with an opportunity to defeat self-doubt and embrace impulsive writing. The program has already helped authors to write successful novels including ‘The Night Circus’ and ‘Water for Elephants’.

Where Do Writer’s Find Inspiration? Classic Favorites vs. AI

Last week I read a book purely for escapism, a cozy mystery, populated by Jane Austen Characters entitled The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray. I didn’t have to think too hard as I’d already met: Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy, Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Anne and Frederick Wentworth, and Fanny and Edmund Bertram. AlreadyContinue reading “Where Do Writer’s Find Inspiration? Classic Favorites vs. AI”

Publishing Opportunities for Older Writers and a Simple Strategy for Getting in Print

Each time I receive a rejection, I feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut. It doesn’t matter how many times it happens and it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve been published.             By contrast, when I read those magic words, “We loved your____ and we want to publish it,” the affirmation that somethingContinue reading “Publishing Opportunities for Older Writers and a Simple Strategy for Getting in Print”