
  We made a deal, my husband and I. No television, internet, email, ipod or anything electronic for an entire day—yesterday.  That was Saturday and I had a great time, I did use my car to drive to the library and the grocery story, but that enabled me to check out some books and replenishContinue reading “Unplugged”

Selling Your Antique Oriental Rug?

Several readers of What’s Up? Magazines have sent me emails asking for further help on identifying and appraising their oriental rugs. The following letter is one of several that have come in during the past three months. Dear Nadja, I read your excellent article in What’s Up? (Apr 2008) and was inspired to research further,Continue reading “Selling Your Antique Oriental Rug?”

What’s Your Antique Worth?

I receive quite a bit of email at What’s Up? Publishing. While many readers write to me about the general content of our publications I also receive specific questions about antiques inspired by my monthly antique column. I usually set those questions aside with the intent to answer them later. This particular photograph arrived inContinue reading “What’s Your Antique Worth?”