The Monetary Deficits of Writing What You Please

I’ve always been attracted to red. Hurrah. I finished my taxes. After three days of double-checking receipts and statements and mentally reliving the previous year of my life, my information has been relayed to my tax preparer, and I’m ready to get back to my daily routine. Now I have time to write. Not thatContinue reading “The Monetary Deficits of Writing What You Please”

Where to Submit When You’re Trying to get Published

Chance or Calculation? I’ve been away from my desk a few days. This means I’m behind on my weekly challenge to myself to submit a few pieces of writing—stories, poetry, and essays– to publications that might publish them. Writers reading this know that uncomfortable feeling of wanting your work to get read, but the reluctanceContinue reading “Where to Submit When You’re Trying to get Published”

Transforming Facts into Fiction Might Just Give You the Inspirational Advantage

I’d forgotten how satisfying it is to just make things up.

Choosing the “Right” Title for Your Story

Writer’s Notes when it comes to titles.

What Writing Postcards Can Teach You About Writing Novels

“Don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the things you are describing.