Where Do Writer’s Find Inspiration? Classic Favorites vs. AI

Last week I read a book purely for escapism, a cozy mystery, populated by Jane Austen Characters entitled The Murder of Mr. Wickham by Claudia Gray. I didn’t have to think too hard as I’d already met: Fitzwilliam and Elizabeth Darcy, Marianne and Colonel Brandon, Anne and Frederick Wentworth, and Fanny and Edmund Bertram. AlreadyContinue reading “Where Do Writer’s Find Inspiration? Classic Favorites vs. AI”

Fairytales Inspire Modern Fiction, Writing Prompts and More.

Perhaps it was the illustrations that captivated me when I’d pour through the fairytale books, the dragons and the princesses with long gowns and tresses, but of all the picture books in my room when I was a young child, I liked the fairytales the best. I can still remember many of those books, theContinue reading “Fairytales Inspire Modern Fiction, Writing Prompts and More.”