Stream of Consciousness Writing Can Help You Break Through That Writer’s Block

If it possible to write a first draft of a two-hundred page novel in just one month? Successful finishers of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) think so. But as a three-time participant I confess it is a daunting task. One month to write 50,000 words. Determination and approximately four hours a day to call yourContinue reading “Stream of Consciousness Writing Can Help You Break Through That Writer’s Block”

Writing Like My Life Depends On It This Month with NANOWRIMO

I made a commitment to myself, 50,000 words, which equals approximately 200 double spaced pages. I signed up again for National Novel Writing Month, the subject of my blog a little over two weeks ago. In order to achieve that goal in one month’s time, I must produce approximately 1700 words a day, ( somewhereContinue reading “Writing Like My Life Depends On It This Month with NANOWRIMO”

The Biggest Writing Competition is About to Begin

National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is an annual event starting on November 1st, challenging writers to create a 50,000-word manuscript in thirty days. This free endeavor, bootstrapped by Chris Baty in 1999, aims to foster creativity through daily writing, without self-censorship. Participants, competing against themselves, are provided with an opportunity to defeat self-doubt and embrace impulsive writing. The program has already helped authors to write successful novels including ‘The Night Circus’ and ‘Water for Elephants’.